An untouched piece of nature, a sentence that is so hard to hear these days and excites us when heard. It is a piece of natural life that humanity does not enter and influence. We started to pollute our world with the industrial revolution that took place.
Developed countries have accelerated their search for alternative energy resources. These studies play more and more roles in our lives day by day. However, since production cannot be stopped, the use of other energy sources continues. New technologies and alternative energy are used limitedly, especially in developing countries.
Shortly before the industrial revolution, the first essential technology was production. The history of using the words production and environment together is very short. The major developed and developing countries in the world signed the Kyoto protocol, the first international agreement on the environment, in 1997, but the protocol only entered into force in 2005. According to this protocol, countries are required to reduce the amount of carbon emitted into the atmosphere back to 1990 levels. This protocol was signed by our country on 05.02.2009. (The full text is in the legislative and technical information section.)
International policies that take into account the multi and natural balance including air, soil and water should be established and implemented before it is too late…